Senchola Technology Solutions

Software Testing & QA Outsourcing

Enhance Software Quality with our comprehensive software testing & QA outsourcing services. With 18+ years of experience, we deliver reliable solutions, leveraging the latest methodologies, advanced tools, and industry best practices for optimal business outcomes.

Trusted by startups and Industries companies

QA Outsourcing Services We Offer

With our dedicated team of QA experts, we go the extra mile to maintain a seamless development process and deliver high-quality, bug-free applications to clients across all regions. Through our strategic outsourcing approach, we guarantee exceptional results and uninterrupted growth for your business.

Complete QA Outsourcing

We provide round-the-clock quality assurance outsourcing services with complete end-to-end control because we execute regular tests and produce reliable KPIs.

Product Level QA Outsourcing

We deliver the final product after closing the gap between two main competencies' viz. QA and software testing for a particular project.

Multi Product QA Outsourcing

We offer multi-product QA outsourcing services to clients when they require Quality Assurance on a wide range of projects.

Transformational QA Outsourcing

We can help you design an effective QA system, increase test automation, integrate testing into your CI/CD, or assist you in setting up a TCoE

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The Process We Follow For QA Outsourcing

Being a top quality assurance outsourcing company our work process involves three main stages, and those are:

Transition Stage

Under the transition stage, your organization will move from its current stage to an improved stage. It comprises four main activities: current QA assessment, service planning, QA process redesign and incorporation, and program management.

Service Delivery Stage

Under this stage, we plan, execute, and monitor tests to ensure we deliver services as expected. It also includes defect validation and regression testing, which help to identify and fix any issues that may arise during or after service delivery.

Evolution Stage

This stage is all about process improvement. We plan and validate your business processes to ensure that your quality assurance efforts are effective. We identify areas for improvement and develop a plan for implementing those improvements..

Benefits of Choosing Our QA Outsourcing Services

As a leading quality assurance outsourcing company, we outsource QA testing services to save a considerable amount on the project cost and time to market. Here are some other good reasons to opt for our software QA outsourcing services:

Access to QA Experts

Gain valuable insights and feedback from our experienced QA outsourcing company. Our expert testers identify issues early on, saving time and money while providing unparalleled expertise

Quick QA Improvements

Outsource QA testing services for efficient testing by experienced professionals. Improve the quality of your products more quickly and efficiently than if you were doing it in-house.

Fresh Approach

ur outsourcing QA services can help you adopt a fresh approach to QA testing. By outsourcing, you can bring in new perspectives and skill sets to help you identify and fix issues faster and more accurately.

Advanced Testing Tools

Leverage our QA outsourcing providers' expertise in utilizing cutting-edge testing tools and technologies. Popular options include Selenium, Appium, Ranorex, and Microsoft Coded UI Tests.

Predictable Cost

When you outsource software quality assurance services to us, you know exactly how much you will be spending on quality control, making budgeting easier and freeing up funds for other parts of your business.

Why Choose Senchola Technology For QA Outsourcing Services?

Our greatest strength is offering high-quality QA outsourcing services. We are the most reputed QA outsourcing company that delivers reliable and affordable services.

  • Extensive Experience In Software testing
  • Latest Testing Tools and Technology
  • Customized Testing Services
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Flexible Engagement Models
  • Proven Track Record
  • Experience in Different Domains and Industries
  • ISO 9001:2015 & CMMI level3
  • Extensive Experience In Software testing
  • Latest Testing Tools and Technology
  • Customized Testing Services
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Flexible Engagement Models
  • Proven Track Record
  • Experience in Different Domains and Industries
  • ISO 9001:2015 & CMMI level3

Awards & Certifications -

Full time-staff
125 +
Years Experience
10 +
Satisfied Customers
900 +
Client Retention
97 %

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Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you immediately to schedule a call and discuss your needs personally.


Choose From Our Hiring Models

With us, you can choose from multiple hiring models that best suit your needs

Dedicated Team

(also known as product engineering teams) It is an expert autonomous team comprising of different roles (e.g. project manager, software engineers, QA engineers, and other roles) capable of delivering technology solutions rapidly and efficiently. The roles are defined for each specific project and management is conducted jointly by a Scrum Master and the client's product owner.

Team Augmentation

(also known as team extension or staff augmentation) Suitable for every scale of business and project, team augmentation helps add required talent to you team to fill the talent gap. The augmented team members work as part of your local or distributed team, attending your regular daily meetings and reporting directly to your managers. This helps businesses scale immediately and on-demand.

Project Based

(best suited for small-mid scale projects) Fixed Price Model: When project specifications, scope, deliverables and acceptance criteria are clearly defined, we can evaluate and offer a fixed quote for the project. This is mostly suitable for small-mid scale projects with well documented specifications. Time & Material Model: Suitable for projects that have undefined or dynamic scope requirements or complicated business requirements due to which the cost estimation is not possible. Therefore, developers can be hired per their time.


Here are answers to some questions related to QA outsourcing that our clients frequently have in their minds.

Ans. At Senchola Technology, our QA approach involves thorough analysis, test planning, test execution, and continuous feedback to deliver reliable and bug-free software, adhering to industry best practices and the latest QA trends.


Ans. Senchola Technology offers a comprehensive range of software QA services, including functional testing, performance testing, security testing, compatibility testing, regression testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT).

Ans. We ensure software quality through rigorous testing processes, the use of advanced testing tools, real device testing, experienced QA engineers, and adherence to quality standards like ISO and CMMI.

Ans. Senchola Technology maintains transparent communication through regular meetings, video conferencing, project management tools, and dedicated project managers to promptly update you on progress and resolve queries.

Ans. You can measure QA work quality at Senchola Technology through defect density, test coverage, test case execution metrics, customer feedback, and overall project success rate.

Ans. With Senchola Technology, you get cost-effective QA outsourcing solutions tailored to your specific project requirements, avoiding overhead expenses, infrastructure costs, and HR complexities associated with an in-house team.

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