Senchola Technology Solutions

Supply Chain Automation Solutions

For efficient supply chain automation, trust our expertise in warehouse management, sales orders, logistics, and inventory. With years of experience, we enhance efficiency, data accuracy, and mitigate disruptions. Benefit from real-time visibility, streamlined tasks, advanced analytics, and forecasting. Ready to leverage our solutions?

Trusted by startups and Industries companies

Supply Chain Automation Services

Our supply chain consultation solutions focus on each aspect of supply chain businesses and help fulfill long-term goals.

Inventory Management

Our inventory management solutions help businesses to track and organize inventory in their repair, reclaim and return processes.

  • Customer demand forecasting
  • Real-time inventory level monitoring
  • Inventory expiration date tracking

Warehouse Management

Our smart warehouse management system allows you to configure your Supply Chain processes, ensuring the best customer support and reduced operational costs.

  • Automated generation of picking lists packing slips
  • Automated recommendations on best package
  • Image analysis to count palletized boxes

Sales Order Management

Our sales order management provides full automation of the complete lifecycle of your business to have clear visibility of each order that takes place.

  • Automated order routing to an optimal location
  • Automated order aggregation from multiple channels
  • Automated order fulfilment tracking

Sourcing And Supplier Relationship Management

We develop strategies for improving performance and fostering better relationships with suppliers based on what each offers for the company.

  • Real-time supplier compliance & monitoring
  • AI-driven recommendations on suppliers
  • Automated routing of orders purchase

Logistics Management

Our team helps you through every step of the logistics management process - from mapping out the shipment route to picking the best carriers.

  • Real-time tracking of vehicles
  • Automated route creation for vehicles
  • IoT-based Condition monitoring of transported products

Ecommerce Supply Chain Automation

We help you build solid B2B & B2C supply chains at the lowest price to make you stand in the top in this competitive edge.

  • Procurement of materials required
  • Facilitate full control over order executions
  • Enable quick resolution of order claims

Let's Discuss Your Project

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Why Choose Senchola Technology For Supply Chain Automation Solutions?

Senchola Technology has vast experience with automation drives of different eCommerce modules and processes. Supply chain being one of the most crucial processes in any e-commerce business, it’s automation saves lot of operational cost and improves customer satisfaction. You can trust Senchola Technology for supply chain automation because of:

Awards & Certifications -

Full time-staff
125 +
Years Experience
10 +
Satisfied Customers
900 +
Client Retention
97 %

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FAQs Related To Supply Chain Automation

Here are answers to some questions related to supply chain automation that our clients frequently have in their minds.

Senchola Technology is a strong team of 650+ specialists with in-depth knowledge of various supply chain verticals. Our expertise, proven methodologies & technology skills yield high-quality solutions that add business value.

Our supply chain automation solutions are designed to meet the needs of a diverse range of supply chain businesses. With experience in every niche and expertise that fits your industry best, we help you save time and money while improving efficiency, productivity, and quality.

Moreover, Senchola Technology is recognized for providing high-quality work with

  • Years of experience and knowledge
  • 24/7 support and quick turnaround times
  • Overall project management
  • Cultural and time-zone compatibility
  • Quality assurance and timely delivery
  • Competitive rates

Our automation strategies help you streamline the procurement process, reduce inventory levels and improve efficiency in shipping and delivery. In addition, we help you detect and prevent product defects before they impact customer satisfaction.

You can save money on supply chain costs by automating key processes and leveraging technology. By taking advantage of these technologies, you can improve your supply chain business’s speed, accuracy, and efficiency.

Yes, Senchola Technology offers support and maintenance of supply chain products even after delivery. We provide various solutions, such as software maintenance, security monitoring, and updates.

We also offer consultations on improving your business productivity and recommend feature enhancements. You can contact us to get a quote for the desired solution.

Our list of clients includes SMEs, enterprises, ISVs, and digital agencies. Also, we’ve served clients in healthcare, education, publishing, FMCG, real estate, and the Asia Pacific. Senchola Technology has helped some tech-enabled firms get customized software and applications.

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