Senchola Technology Solutions

Web Application Testing Services

Want to optimize your web application’s performance and user experience with our comprehensive web application testing services? We specialize in both manual and automated testing, utilizing advanced technologies like Appium, Selenium, and Docker.

Trusted by startups and Industries companies

Web Application Testing Services

Our expert team covers all aspects of web testing, including functional, automated, and performance testing. We are the leaders in providing high-quality web applications at an affordable price.

Functionality Testing

Our functionality testing finds and fixes errors in code, improves user experience, and make your web app more reliable. It is important to ensure that your web app works as intended.

Security Testing

Our security testing services help you meet all criteria to fulfill consumer safety needs in an age where cybercrime is more prevalent in the web app development arena than ever.

Usability Testing

We conduct usability testing to assess the ease-of-use of your web application, website, or portal for your intended audience. The goal is to ensure that your product meets your users' usability expectations.

Compatibility Testing

Under this process, we test the app on different device types and screen sizes to identify any potential issues. The testing ensures that your app works correctly on all devices.

Load Testing

Our experts determine whether a web application can handle heavy traffic through Load testing. We reveal performance bottlenecks by simulating hundreds or even thousands of users at once.

Web App Accessibility Testing

Our accessibility testing experts ensure that your web applications meet Section 508 and WCAG regulations/compliance and will work for differently-abled people.

Let's Discuss Your Project

Senchola Technology can turn your project idea into an amazing digital product with a free consultation.

Trust Senchola Technology For Testing

We pay attention to detail to ensure that your product is not only functional but also user-friendly and intuitive. By using our expertise and advanced tools, we can identify and address the potential issues in the web app to create a product that sets you apart from the competition.

  • Business-goals Focused Testing: We ensure that our test strategy, scenario, data and user stories are driven by your business needs.
  • Well-documented Testing: We pay importance to keeping all the testing plan, specifications, reports, and descriptions well-documented.
  • Risk-based Testing: We adopt an agile approach and always prioritize testing as per the possible damage the defect in an app can cause, when discovered by a user.
  • Automated and Manual Testing: We have an integrated manual and automated testing approach for better results in less time.

Bringing Innovation With The Latest Technologies

We are proud to have a team of mobile application testers who are experts in diverse software quality assurance technologies like Selenium IDE, Jira, Docker, etc. Our software quality assurance specialists hold relevant knowledge about the following core technologies:



Report Portal





Selenium IDE



Apache Maven




Apache Groovy



Apache JMeter







We Are India’s Top

Web Application Testing Company

We enable businesses across the globe to scale, transform, and gain a competitive advantage. We are acknowledged in the Indian web application testing industry for our USPs.

We cater to all their diverse technology requirements, from startups to enterprises, software companies to digital agencies, and SMEs to governments. Our commitment to quality has helped us lead the market, becoming the top mobile application testing services company.

Awards & Certifications -

From startups to big enterprises, development

From startups to big enterprises, development

From startups to big enterprises, development

From startups to big enterprises, development

From startups to big enterprises, development

From startups to big enterprises, development

From startups to big enterprises, development

Got a Project in Mind? Tell Us More

Get in touch, and we’ll schedule a call to discuss your needs personally.

Choose From Our Hiring Models

With us, you can choose from multiple hiring models that best suit your needs

Dedicated Team

(also known as product engineering teams) It is an expert autonomous team comprising of different roles (e.g. project manager, software engineers, QA engineers, and other roles) capable of delivering technology solutions rapidly and efficiently. The roles are defined for each specific project and management is conducted jointly by a Scrum Master and the client's product owner.

Team Augmentation

(also known as team extension or staff augmentation) Suitable for every scale of business and project, team augmentation helps add required talent to you team to fill the talent gap. The augmented team members work as part of your local or distributed team, attending your regular daily meetings and reporting directly to your managers. This helps businesses scale immediately and on-demand.

Project Based

(best suited for small-mid scale projects) Fixed Price Model: When project specifications, scope, deliverables and acceptance criteria are clearly defined, we can evaluate and offer a fixed quote for the project. This is mostly suitable for small-mid scale projects with well documented specifications. Time & Material Model: Suitable for projects that have undefined or dynamic scope requirements or complicated business requirements due to which the cost estimation is not possible. Therefore, developers can be hired per their time.


Ans. Senchola Technology has been helping businesses with their web application development and web application testing needs for 18+ years. We have top industry testing experts to work on your application and ensure that it is bug free. Additionally, we use latest tools to perform manual and automated testing on your web application.

Clients trust Senchola Technology for our expertise, excellent track record, and highly experienced team.

Ans. Yes, we test an SOA web application through different types of tests.

Unit tests are used to test individual units or components in isolation. Integration tests are used to test how different components work together. System tests are used to verify that the entire system works as expected. Finally, performance tests are used to measure the system’s performance under load.

Ans. When testing a website, a few configurations need to be considered to ensure comprehensive coverage.

First, the web app itself needs to be tested. This includes testing functionality as well as UX/UI rules and standards.

Second, the server-side infrastructure needs to be tested. This includes ensuring that the various website components (e.g., application server, database) are all functioning correctly.

Third, the network connection between the user and the website must also be tested to ensure no issues. By testing all of these different aspects of a website, we can be confident that it will work properly for users regardless of their environment or device.

Ans. Yes, we do perform testing on web-based applications using Qtp. It is a very effective tool for automating web application testing. It allows us to create and run test scripts that can simulate user interactions with the application. This helps us identify defects in the application.

Ans. There are a few key stages that our app testing experts typically go through when starting app testing:

1. Pre-test Planning: This is where the testers set up their plan for how they’re going to test the app. They’ll identify which devices and platforms they’ll be testing on and what specific app areas they’ll be examining.

2. Execution of Tests: Once the testers have their plan, they’ll start running tests on the app. This can include checking for functionality, looking for bugs, and performing analysis.

3. Post-Test Analysis: After the tests have been completed, it’s time for the testers to do a thorough analysis of their results

Ans. Our web app testing solutions test your app for different devices, platforms, and browsers. At Senchola Technology, we offer a wide range of services to cater to all your web app testing needs. Our services include manual testing, cross-browser testing, automated testing, compatibility testing, and performance testing. We also offer a variety of tools and services to make app testing easier and more efficient for you.

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